Saturday, January 27, 2007

today i logged in msn and i saw that yuling was onli so i asked her abt blogskins... she agreed to help me change my blogskin=) now my blog looks nicer=) thx alot yuling=)

11:50 PM;
I made my mark

mornin:) today i woke up veri early... abt 10plus... last night at abt 12.30 i was watching tv with my bro... then both of us fell asleep... with the tv on^_^ when my our parents came back, they saw the tv on but i dunno whether they angry or not... i was sleeping... then when i woke up jux now i was on my bed le... i asked my father then he said he carried me from the sofa to my bed... i didn't know... i was still sleeping=) he also carried my bro... yesterday veri tired coz i woke up quite early too... 10plus... to play my ps2=) after that i went to this church called CHURCH OF SINGAPORE which is at bukit timah...(quite far)...the ppl over there forms the YOUTH IMPACT=) and i'm one of them=) woo hoo!!! i almost every week got go de... recently i brought my bro along...a bit troublesome la... but nvm la... ya... yesterday my csm also got come... but onli for half an hours!!! lame right... he had to go chinatown with his family... sob... i also quite enjoy yesterday's service... coz pastor daniel(one of the pastor at cos) helped some of us to regain our love for GOD. we had lost our FIRST LOVE that was LOVE for GOD. after i prayed to GOd, asked for his forgiveness, my heart sort of became lighter...then i felt really energetic... ready to walk with GOD side by side again=) Hallelujah!!! after the service i had to chiong home with my bro... coz yesterday i was supposed to reach home before9pm... to help move the furnitures... coz tml i will be moving house le...ya...but last night i was late... 9.30pm then reach home:p before that i was at the bus -stop waiting for the bus... the bus was taking veri long so i PRAYED to GOD. PRAYED that the LORd will help me and my bro. and GOd answered our PRAYER=) in abt 1min plus our bus came le=) when we reached home, our father also never scold us or wad=) after that i helped to move the furnitures...not heavy to me=) and i slept at abt 12.40...i woke up this mornin and now is posting my blog=) bye


6:54 PM;
I made my mark

Friday, January 26, 2007

hey i finally got a tagboard le=) whee=) now i'm still working on my blogskin... seems to be veri difficult... bye=)

7:02 AM;
I made my mark

hi=) today is friday!!! my favourite day. today we had our bb parade. i was fasting until 2pm so i didn't have lunch...i onli had chocolate ice blended. yummy!! after dat i went fer parade. today we onli had games, no drills. although it's not as tiring but i also love of the games we played was we had to run across a field of soap and water. dat hanyang(my officer0 si bei playful sia...before the game we had to each turn one round around a cone then he go turn kennedy(a fren) like siao... in the end kennedy fell down and rolled on the field of soap... so funny sia... hanyang also turned me like siao... i almost slipped... i was sliding on the field=) overall the games were fun=) the ppl who planned the games(jason loh and gabriel tan) did a good job=) good job guys=) anyways i was told dat i will be cos after a few more parades... i also dunno whether i up to it... after the parade i was told to go home immediately but i was a bit defiant la... i didn't obey my csm... i went to play basketball=) with my frens=) it was fun but when it rained then i left... after dat my dinner was two waffles=) one kaya and one peanut. i could onli finish one and a half waffles... then i was damn full... last time i really finished two waffles and almost vommited...and when i was abt to vomit, i went to play basketball=) crazy huh? =) today got lots of officer come down to parade... i missed the officers... i guessed they also miss our handsome faces la...and meanwhile i'm still trying to get a tagboard. i will try to ask my frens. maybe tml i will update again. bye=)

5:37 AM;
I made my mark

Thursday, January 25, 2007

hi. thursday is my least favourite day and i hated today. but i love fridays the most!!! i'm so looking forward to tml... today i still fasting sia... buay tahan le... luckily tml is last day le... phew... wah tml got test... hope i can pass... lit test... i still dunno how to use the blogskins... if anyone reading this knows pls leave a comment to teach me... meanwhile i'm also trying to get a tagboard... i gtg slp le... i will update again tml=) bye.

6:38 AM;
I made my mark

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

hi everyone, now i'm really fed up coz i have been trying to download this blogskin but it's not my blog looks so dull... sry if it bores you... i will try to change it ASAP =)

4:51 AM;
I made my mark

halo=) today's lesson is still as boring... even the speech and drama lessons... aw man... i was looking forward to the speech and drama lesson but it was SO boring... the teacher, ms helen instructed us to do miming. we had to mime!!! and the worse thing was we had to mime some electrical appliances...the first thing i did with my group was a blender... after dat we did a freezer=) although it's lame but i think it's a bit educational. XD. after dat was MATHS lesson... haix... the chapter we now doing is algebra... so CHIM!!! i read until got headache sia...btw, i think i like my maths teacher , Mr Liaw even more now XD. last year he totally sux lor... anyhow demerit me... now he doesn't =) plus he's getting nicer. but unfortunately, still got some ppl see him not happy la... coz he demerit them :p btw, my friends' blogs got write abt him sia...also got write abt my form teacher, Ms Soh. her nickname is 'lao cha bo' ... lol... if she hears dat she's gonna cry... fortunately i wun critisise her on my blog=) i jux wanna say , I DUN LIKE HER!!! ya... anyways after sch i quarelled with my friend...(i wun say wad happened) his name is khong joon howe... ya then he si bei angry... wun tok to me le... sob... after sch i went to the bb room. to help pack up de room.(i veri helpful de=)) then i went to do pull-ups. but i still cannot do even one... haix... i need support then can do abt 10...anyways i'm looking forward to friday=D parade=) can see the sec1s... so cute:) i need to go do my hw le... maybe tml then update again. BYE!!

2:00 AM;
I made my mark

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

hi every1, this is the first time im doin blog... i still got lots of things to learn. but i believe i will get better at this=) let's tok abt wad happened in sch today. today i can slp until late late coz sch starts later=) i was supposed to wake up at 7.15 but my bro was damn noisy... den i woke up at 6plus... SO tired...2dae i didn't get to eat mac breakfast coz no money le. SOB... i lurv mcdonalds=D after sch i went straight home... another boring day in the life of wulywei... now dat sch reopen le my life is getting more boring... everyday is onli eat slp play... lol... hope tml i will have sth interesting to say=) see ya!!

4:25 AM;
I made my mark



I stand in between both solstice; slashed, tortured, LOST.


GOD,,basketball,soccer,final fantasy,going to the gym,smsing



Preferred cbox.

jia hui
Yee Hong


  • January 2007
  • February 2007
  • March 2007
  • April 2007
  • May 2007
  • July 2007


    thank you, Eileen,for helping me with my blogskin, thank you everyone for tagging my blog=)